Ray-Ban Wayfarers « Best of the 80s said this on at 12:44 pm | Reply Needed to look cool in the 80s? Well, you could pop your collar (we love it!), peg your jeans (yep, we love that, too!), and treat yourself a bodacious Flock of Seagulls haircut (how could we not love it?)… (Skip to :51 of this clip.)Ħ Responses to “The Flock of Seagulls Haircut” After all… without it, those Friends flashback episodes wouldn’t have been nearly as funny. Go ahead… make fun if you want, but this crazy coiffure is so awesomely 80s that we’ll sing its praises all day long. If you need to poke fun of the 80s, just give a character a pair of cowlicks shaped like dog ears (we never really saw them as wings), and then add some swoopy bangs. In recent years, it’s become quite the punchline… a symbol of everything awesomely bad about the decade. No, time has not been a friend to this iconic haircut. But no longer! Hood ornaments everywhere, today is your day!”Įither way, the Flock of Seagulls haircut was born. We believe, at that point, Score looked at himself in the mirror and thought one of two things: (a) “I’ve always liked Captain America’s hood, but just the wings… not the actual hood.” or (b) “I’ve always thought hood ornaments were underrated as a hairstyle inspiration. Alas, bassist Frank Maudsley was also trying to get some mirror time, and, in the scuffle, put his hand on Score’s head, smushing the singer’s poof down in the middle. Before a show one night, as the story goes, Score was in front of the mirror, trying to emulate David Bowie’s poof-mullet ‘do from the Ziggy Stardust days. In 1979, Score gave up his day job (as, yes, a hairdresser) to form A Flock of Seagulls with his brother.

We don’t recall, necessarily, looking at Mike Score as he belted out “Space Age Love Song” and thinking, “My, what an odd way to style your hair.” But today? Whew… that is one out-there haircut.

Looking back at the 80s, there are some things that just make you wonder… even if they seemed almost normal for the times.