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Nur al-Idah, English By Bilal Brown, The Light of Clarification, £22.99 Al-Qawlul Mubin Fi hukm Takfiril Mu'minin, AlJazairi Arabic Only Al-Majmu' Al-Fareed fi Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed : Arabic Only 18. Al-Asma' Wal Sifat Lil Imam Al-Bayhaqi: Arabic Book 17. 2505 Majmu' al-Rasa'il al-Imam al-Ghazali: Arabic Only 16. Sharh al-'Aqidat al-Tahawiyah: Arabic, Ibn Abi al-'Izz 15.

Sharh al-'Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah: Imam al-Taftazani, Arabic Only 14. Kitab Al Asma Wal Sifat Lel Imam Ibn Taymiyyah:' Arabic Only 13. al-I'tisam: Arabic, Imam al-Shatibi, Mustafa al-'Adawi 12. Matn Aqidah at-Tahawiah (Islamic Belief): Arabic Text & English 11. Idah Sharh Al-Sunnah Lil Imam al-Muzani (d.264H) Arabic 10. Sharh Al-Aqidat al-Wasitiyah: Arabic Ibn Taymiyah/al-Uthaymin 9. Tuhfat al-Murid Sharh Jawharatul Tawhid: Arabic, al-Bajuri 8. Kitabul Arba'in Fi Usulil Deen By Imam Ghazali (Summarised Ihya) 7. Bidayatul Hidayah (Arabic) By Imam al-Ghazali 6. Matn Al-Aqidah at-Tahawiah: Arabic By Imam Tahawi 5. Al-Iqtisad Fil I'tiqad By Imam Ghazali, Arabic (Dar Al-Minhaj) 4. Creed Made Easy, A bilingual introduction to Islamic Theology 3. 'Mabahith Fi Aqaid Ahl al-Sunnah, Muhannad Ala al-Mufannad 2. But to his knowledge of early and classical Hanbalism, he added not only that of the other schools of jurisprudence but also that of other literature.He had an extensive knowledge of Quran, Sunnah, Greek philosophy, Islamic history, and religious books of others, as is evident from the variety of the books he wrote.īestsellers 1. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah's education was essentially that of a Hanbali theologian and jurisconsult. When he was thirty, he was offered the office of Chief Justice, but refused, as he could not persuade himself to follow the limitations imposed by the authorities. At the same age, he started delivering lectures. Qadi remembered with pride that it was he who had first permitted an intelligent and learned man like Ibn Taymiyyah to give Fatwa. Ibn Taymiyyah was barely seventeen, when Qadi Al-Maqdisi authorised him to issue Fatwa (legal verdict). The number of Ibn Taymiyyah's teachers exceeds two hundred. His family had long been renowned for its learning, among his teachers, was Shams ud-Din Al-Maqdisi, first Hanbali Chief Justice of Syria following the reform of the judiciary by Baibars. Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was born in, 661 AH (1263 AC) in Haran, which is now in Eastern Turkey, near the border of northern Iraq. This book was written as a refutation of a book by the Shi'a-Ithna 'Ashari theologian Al-Hilli called Minhaj al-Karamah. He presents arguments and proofs to support Abu Bakr's superiority and discredits all arguments and proofs in favour of 'Ali's superiority.

The shaykh has adopted a two-pronged approach in his Minhaj. This book is an in-depth academic critique, and a thoroughly investigative refutation, of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah's Minhaj al-Sunnah on the specific question of Abu Bakr's alleged superiority over Amir al-Muminin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib. Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyah: Ibn Taymiyyah, Arabic